CSR's have access to Quickbooks (QBO) to create purchase order documents required for all ASI vendors and select other vendors/suppliers.

QBO Purchase Orders Not Required For These Vendors Only:








Micro Printing

B2 Signs

Current QBO User Accounts (who has access to make PO's):

First Person - Kelsey

Second Person - Liz

Third Person - David

Fourth Person - AJ

Instructions for all other vendors:

1.) Log into QBO using a saved password in your Dashlane password management software.

2.) After logging in, on left sidebar click "Expenses" > "Vendors"

3.) In "Find a vendor or company" search bar start typing in vendor name and click on vendor.  If vendor is not listed then click "New Vendor" green button on top right and add Vendor information.

For new vendors please fill out all of the following fields (including phone, address, contact, email, address, etc):

4.) After clicking into the vendor, on top right click green button "New Transaction" drop-down > "Purchase Order" 

5.) Check Top Info

• The "Email" field will pre-fill in whatever default email is.  Make sure this email is where the vendors want the PO's to go to, otherwise change the email in the current PO draft and update main vendor contact info for future PO's.

• The shipping address should be our customer's address (unless we need it to come to WM for additional services such as kitting/mailing/fulfillment/printing)

• "Ship Via" field should be by default

Blind Drop Ship - UPS Third Party Ground

6.) Add line item #1 use product/service named "Promotional Items" and in the description put model number, color of item, imprint color, etc)

7.) Add quantity and price (either total or unit and QBO automatically calculates the other after putting quantity).  

*For price be sure to put our NET price (wholesale costs) and not the LIST price (customer sale price).  Use this quote tool (click on ASI and use "Conversation tool from Net to List")

8.) If applicable - add line item #2 for set-up fee.  In the description put what product and imprint method it is for (such as screen printed, digital full color, embroidered, heat press, pad print, etc.  Put quantity 1 by default but change quantity depending on how many setups (per location) are required.   

*For price be sure to put our NET price (wholesale costs) and not the LIST price (customer sale price).  Use this quote tool (click on ASI and use "Conversation tool from Net to List")

9.) Rinse and repeat #5-7 for additional products being ordered all at once from the same vendor and at the same time.

10.) Your message to vendor:

• For Bulletline vendor add - EQP pricing per sales manager

• For using our UPS account add - Ship Using Our UPS #6981W2

• Add any other notes required for job

11.) Memo:

DO NOT put anything here, this is internal only and not external.  Use message to vendor text area instead.

12.) Attachments:

Drag and drop all print files for the imprint of this job.  After upload, you MUST click the checkbox and have each file with CHECK in order for QBO to send and actually attach the supporting print files.13.) Review and double-check for accuracy. If you need to contact the vendor to verify any items then click the "Save" button to save it as a draft without sending it.  Otherwise, once all details are confirmed and files are attached then click the "Save and Send" button on the bottom right.

14.) Create a Monday task and copy and paste the QBO purchase order number into the update...

Board Name: Projects

Task Name Example: Order #1234 - Purchase Order Payment

Assign To: David

Due Date: Today's Date

Update (Description):This purchase order #5541 has been sent please make payment.  Thank you.

15.) After saving PO you can look on the top under the email and you will see the last delivery on the PO document (and files).

16.) You can also click on the bottom "More" button and click "Audit History" to view an overview of all changes made on this specific PO. AKA who did what and when.  Click dropdown arrows on left to view the exact change made.