If the client has already been charged and CSR modifies the order please use the following steps:
Step 1 - Modify Order
1.) Before you begin, you must write down the original grad total. This will be used to manually calculate the difference for the refund or charge amount at the end. Currently, the backend does not auto-calculate the difference. This calculation has to be done manually.
2.) Click on "List" orders in the left sidebar on WM Backend. Find the order by searching by order number or customer. Once you locate the order that needs to be modified, then click Action > Modify Order
3.) Change quantity and price on items required. You can also delete line items entirely by clicking on the trash icon or add additional line items (products) by clicking the "Add New Order Product" green button on top.
NOTE: If you delete items it will show as a reverse/revert (undo) symbol and won't actually delete until you click save. It will also show the product row with grey background to demonstrate it will be omitted upon saving.
After clicking the "Trash" icon...
4.) For pre-existing items/products on-site (such as TLE inventory items) you can use the "Online Price Calculator" by entering in the new quantity and clicking the "View Price" button. Then you can copy and paste this total price into the "Price" field (it does not do this automatically).5.) For out of state customers (final delivery location is outside of FL), then $0 will show per line item in the "Tax" field. For clients with delivery within the state of FL we must collect sales tax. In order to re-calculate the correct sales amount after modifying line items, you must scroll to the bottom of the order and click the "Calculate Tax" button in order to re-calculate the correct sales tax amount based on the new modified line items.
6.) Review all modifications made and double-check your work prior to saving. Once you are satisfied with the edits on the order then on top click the "Save" or "Save and Back" button. Be careful not to click the "Reset" or "Back" button as these buttons won't save the changes made. If you do not wish to save the changes then feel free to use the "Reset" or "Back" button which will not save changes.
7.) Finally, compare the original total vs. the new total on their order. If the new total is greater than the original go to Step 2A and collect the difference (what the customer owes us). If the new total is less than the original go to Step 2B and refund the difference (what WM owes the customer).
Step 2A - Charge Difference
(if new total > original total)
1.) On the left sidebar in backend click Orders > List Orders > Payment Request
2.) Type in the order number (or copy and paste), click on order, then enter in the "difference" charge amount (calculated in step 1, #7 point).
3.) If we already received pre-authorization to charge the difference to the credit card on file then be sure to turn OFF the "Send Customer Notification" toggle (red color). By default, this is toggled ON (green). This way customer won't get a payment request email since you will be charging immediately after raising the request.
4.) If we have NOT received pre-authorization to charge card on file then leave this notification ON so the client receives an email of the payment request. Then follow up with the client to get authorization to charge. If they agree over the phone or email, then inform them they can disregard the payment request email (after payment successfully goes through).
5.) Add in any remarks (comments) of why there is a difference in the total amount. This will show up to the client in the payment request email (if toggled ON) and also stores it in our payment request history log (regardless if the notification is ON or OFF). This will provide more clarity to customers and WM staff on why we raised this additional payment request.
6.) After you fill in Order Number, Amount, Remarks, Send Customer Notification Toggle.. then be sure to click the "Save" button.
7.) If "Send Customer Notification" was toggled ON (green) when selecting save then this email will be sent to them immediately. If this notification was toggled OFF (red) then this email will NOT be sent.8.) After clicking Save, you will now see this order listed below in the "Raised Request" default first tab. Click Action > Make Payment
9.) In the payment screen, you will have a choice to use a credit card on file for that client or add a new one and save it to their profile as well as ACH. Make the appropriate selection of the client's preference and click the button at the bottom "Click Here To Pay"
Step 2B - Refund Difference
(if new total < original total)
1.) Click on "List" orders in the left sidebar on WM Backend. Find the order by searching by order number or customer. Once you locate the order that needs to be modified, then click Action > View/Update Order
2.) In view/update order on the top right side, click on the "Refund" button
3.) If the order was written up the same day only a full refund (void) is available since the transaction has not settled. For this use case, you can refund the entire order and re-write up a new order. Just be sure to send a Monday task to Caytie that the original order was canceled and to discard the physical printed job ticket.
NOTE: You will first, have to find out from customers if they are ok with refund the entire transaction and to write up a new one, as the full amount for both will show up as a pending charge on their credit card. Normally, customers usually prefer to wait until the following day to avoid duplicate pending transactions.
4.) If the order was written up more than 24 hours ago, then the "Partial Refund" radio button will become available to select. Put the refund amount in "Subtotal" and corresponding shipping charges and tax amount to be refunded. Add remarks (comments) on why this refund is being taken place. Example: "Client requested to reduce size of postcard from 6x9 down to 4x6"
5.) For full refunds, you must select the order status "Refunded". For partial refunds, status change is not required as it will keep the job open (In Production).
6.) Review the "Total" amount to be refunded and once confirmed click the "Save" button
7.) The below email will automatically be sent out to the customer immediately after clicking save. Be sure to keep the Notify Customer checkbox checked (as it is by default) for customers to receive the below example of the refund confirmation email.
Step 3 - Reprint Revised Job Ticket
1.) For "Partial Refund" create a Monday task...
Board Name: Projects
Task Name Example: Order #1234 - Reprint Job Ticket
Assign To: Caytie
Due Date: Today's Date
Update (Description): This order has been modified please discard the original printed physical job ticket and reprint the new job ticket now that the order has been modified. Thank you.
2.) For "Full Refund" create a Monday task...
Board Name: Projects
Task Name Example: Order #1234 - Discard Job Ticket
Assign To: Caytie
Due Date: Today's Date
Update (Description): This order has been refunded in full please discard the original printed physical job ticket. Thank you.