For customers that have issues with credit cards not going through the system please use the following diagnostic steps:


Regardless of which problem type below, the WM CSR must keep FreshDesk ticket open until they either see order confirmation come through to list orders or the client chooses to cancel the order.  

DO NOT reply to the ticket saying it's resolved and close ticket.  CSR MUST follow up (email & phone) to ensure the order went through and the customer confirms they don't have any further issues and is happy.


Identify if it is either...

Problem Type 1 - Credit Card Issue (Client side)

Problem Type 2 - Website Issue (WM side)

Problem Type 1 Solution - Credit Card Issue (Client side)

1.) Log into (using dashlane for login credentials)

2.) Click "Transaction Search" on top navigation bar

3.) Change settlement date from to "Unsettled Transactions" (if the transaction was attempted today).  Or if you have a transaction ID you can copy and paste into the "Transaction ID" and click search.

4.) Locate the transaction by verfiy the total charge amount, last 4 of cc, person name, etc.  Then look at the "Trans Status" (Transaction Status).

5.) If the status is "Declined" then click on the transaction ID and look at the declined status message.

6.) If the transaction is showing in Authorize gateway then that means WM website is working perfectly fine and the card issuer is declining.  This could happen for a few reasons but are mainly due to security/fraud holds, insufficient funds, etc.  DO NOT tell the customer it's because of insufficient funds because we can not confirm that is the exact reason since it could be for other reasons such as security preventative measures and we don't want to insult our customers.

7.) The client must call their credit card company and ask them why the transaction is being declined.

8.) The client can either fix the issue with that card and retry with same card, use a different credit card, or use a bank account (checking or savings account).


Problem Type 2 Solution - Website Issue (WM side)

1.) If the client is getting an error message on the website and CAN NOT complete checkout.  There are 4 examples shown below.  

2.) Ask clients what error message they are receiving and if they can send a screenshot.

3.) Follow the steps in this solution article - Error Storing CC's In Backend

4.) It's important to delete all payment profiles in Authorize and by logging in as customers and removing all saved payment profiles.  As the issue is conflict in looking up the matching customer information profile ID. 

5.) If the above solution does not work then add the issue to the development board.  Be sure to include all the information including but not limited to which website customer, and screenshots of the front end error message. 

EXAMPLE A - Error message "Card Can not be deleted due to some error"


EXAMPLE B - Error message "Customer Profile ID or Customer Payment Profile ID not found"

EXAMPLE C - Error message "Card was not added due to error" "The AnetAPI/xml/vi/schema.xsd:customer profiel element is invalid - The value is invalid according to its datatype 'AnetApil.... - The Pattern contraint failed"


EXAMPLE D - Error message "Transaction not completed successfully."
