Step 1 - Login to Authorize
Use Dashlane for login credentials
Step 2 - Navigate to CIM
Click on CIM (Customer Information Management) on the home page after logging in.
Step 3 - Search By Customer Email
1.) Choose "Email" in the dropdown selection of how you want to search CIM
2.) Copy and paste the same email that is in website customer in WM Backend
Here is an example:
You will probably notice there is more than one profile or not accurate customer ID which is causing the duplicate profile.
Step 4 - Fix Duplicate Profiles
1.) If you are receiving an error such as the below example it is most likely due to multiple profiles with the same email address is causing confusion in the lookup.
The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:customerProfileId' element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:numericString' - The Pattern constraint failed.
2.) In this example, you will look at the "Customer ID" column. The shorter customer ID with the URL in the description link is most likely the accurate profile we should be using that is connected to the new WM Backend. The longer one with mixed letters and numbers is from the older Pressero system which will need to be deleted.
3.) After clicking on the "Profile ID" of the old profile that needs to be deleted, first, delete the credit card on file, then the shipping profile, finally the entire profile.
Step 5 - Edit Customer ID
Another reason you may be getting an error is if the "Customer ID" in Authorize does not match the "User ID" in WM Backend.
1.) Follow the below steps to confirm the "Customer ID" on Authorize CIM matches the "Customer ID" in website customer in WM Backend.
2.) In WM Backend click on "Website Customers," find the customer that has issue and click Action > Edit and look at the URL in your web browser. Here is an example...
3.) In the URL string, you will see the userid=343 therefore the "Customer ID" in Authorize should be 343
Be careful, do not confuse "Customer ID" with "Quickbooks ID" or "Profile ID"
User ID = Unique identifier for WM Backend website customers
Customer ID = Is what Authorize uses. This should match the website User ID
Quickbooks ID = Unique identifier for Quickbooks to link invoices & payments with the correct customer
Profile ID = Authorize Internal Profile ID from all CIMs for all their customers, but Authorize uses the Customer ID to match to our website.
4.) If there is only 1 profile in Authorize CIM and it is the wrong "Customer ID" that does NOT match the "userid" in URL string in "Website Customers" then you can override and fix this in the Authorize CIM profile area.
5.) Highlight and select all the old "Customer ID" and retype over it with the correct userid
AFTER:6.) Finally, click OK button to confirm changes.
Step 6 - Add Billing Address
If you are trying to store a new CC by login in as a customer and going to the "Saved Cards" area the billing address is required for the new CC to be validated to use for future transactions.
1.) You should not try to save a CC on file if the screen looks like this...
1.) You can save a CC on file if the screen looks like this...