When creating a ticket you want to click the upper right-hand corner 

"  New  " button (Pictured Above) and select"New Ticket"

You'll then be prompted to fill out the following:

* Contact - Always assign this to yourself, as you are the one creating the ticket

* Subject -  Always include Client's Company Name, Client Code and Concern

i.e-  Website Man Printing WM - Please follow up with AJ

* Type - "Gather Job Details" (most frequently used) or select appropriate category depending on the subject matter

* Status - Will always be "Open" until the issue is resolved.

When waiting on a customer to respond to an email, you can select "Waiting on Customer" until they've responded.   

*Priority - Will always be "High" When dealing with a client, as we want to give our attention to a potential project or project in production. You can also select "Low" or "Medium" depending on the subject matter, turn over time, etc. 

*Assign to - This is where you'll delegate the ticket to the appropriate person depending on the subject matter

David - Billing / Purchasing / Ordering

*Human Resources

Tiffany - Sales / Customer Service
*Only assign unique sales request or quotes outside of WM's Catalog to Tiffany

Daniel - Sales / Management/ Design

*Takes all walk ins

Kelsey - Sales / Customer Service

*Send quote requests to Kelsey

JC - Design / Web Development

*Anytime a customer requests a "Proof" Ticket JC the details of the proof request

Chadd - Production Manager 

*Silk Screen issues

Caytie - Production Assistant / Shipping & Fufillment 

*Shipping Issues / (Most) TLE Calls 

Manny - Shipping & Fulfillment

Jonathan - Production / Large Format/ Signage/ Final Banners

*Description - Details about the client's request.

 Include Client Name, Company Name, Client Code, Phone Number, Email Address, Project Description or link to the current project they are inquiring about.