If a corporate center wants to pay by credit card you may enable this option per user request by following the below instructions.

1.) Log in to the backend of Pressero

2.) Click on "Sites"

3.) Click on "The Learning Experience"

4.) Click on "User Management"

5.) Click on "Site Users"

6.) Click on "Filter" button on top right and search for user

7.) Click the pencil icon next to their name to edit the permissions on the user

8.) Click "Site Group Memebership"

9.) Click the checkbox for "Corp Pay By Credit Card"

10.) Finally, click the save button on bottom of screen.

Now the user will have two options in the checkout:

Bill To Corporate (pass-through billing)

Pay Online (use credit card)

You can either leave both options available for the user or you can go back and remove it by unchecking and saving the settings after they make their one-time purchase.  This is up to the user on what they prefer.