This is to be run when all books have been collected and preflighted per month.

To generate Monthly Curriculum Workbook and Teacher Manual quantities, open excel file 


Click on MASTER MICRO STRATEGY tab of excel document.

Click on Column A.  While holding mouse button down drag over to column G to select all columns.  Right click and select "Clear Contents"


Open current Micro Strategy Data file from Micro Strategy folder on drive.  File path below:

With current Micro Strategy file open, highlight columns A-G, right click and select "Copy"


Go back to MONTHLY CURRICULUM QUANTITIES_NEW_050622-JC.xlsx file and single click on cell "A1" then right click and select "Paste Special>Values"


Run a sales report for the corresponding month based on chart below.  For example if you are trying to generate curriculum quantities for JULY, you will generate a sales report for MARCH.

On backend of website, navigate to Reports>TLE Reports>TLE Order Sales Report.

Enter "SALES REPORT DATE RANGE" as determined by chart above.  For this example we are generating curriculum quantities for FEBRUARY so we need to enter the date range of 09/05/Year- 11/01/Year.

Change "All Products" drop down to "Category Specific" 

Click on the "None Selected" drop down and type the Month you need sales data for based on chart above.  For this example we are generating February quantities so we need October sales data.  Once you type the Month you need sales data for, select all 3 options that populate.

Once all 3 options are selected, change "Order Wise" drop down to "Item Wise" and change "Payment Status" drop down to "Paid"

Once all parameters are set, click "Show Report" button once. 

NOTE - This process will take 1-5 minutes, this is a large amount of data for the site to process.  

When this process is complete, your screen will look like this:

Once report has been generated, download the report as an excel document by clicking the Excel Icon on right

NOTE - This process will take 1-5 minutes, and there is no status bar or "working" icon of any kind.

Once this process is complete a "save as" dialog window will pop up on your screen.  Navigate to the below path and create a new folder for the month you are generating quantities for.  In this example we are generating quantities for February so save in February folder.


Go back to MONTHLY CURRICULUM QUANTITIES_NEW_050622-JC.xlsx file and click on "Sales Report" tab.

Highlight columns A - J, right click and select "Clear Contents"

Open your sales data file that you generated in previous steps and Highlight columns A - J.  Right click and select "Copy"

Go back to MONTHLY CURRICULUM QUANTITIES_NEW_050622-JC.xlsx file, make sure you are still in "Sales Report" tab and single click on cell "A1" then right click and select "Paste Special>Values"

Once you have pasted the sales data your document is complete.  Click on PRINT RUN QUANTITIES tab and take a screenshot of Student Workbooks Section.

Your screenshot will go to desktop by default.  Navigate to the screenshot and rename the file to "CURRENT MONTH_WORKBOOK QUANTITIES.png".  For this example our file will be named "FEBRUARY_WORKBOOK QUANTITIES.png"

Once file has been renamed, move it to the following path (for current month):

Zip all 10 workbooks for current month and send link to along with saved screenshot showing quantities.