Teacher kits ALL grade levels whether or not student kit
Step 1.) Download Microstrategy report
Step 2.) Clean Data Lists - Remove active, metrics, ratio, center type, non-eligible classrooms (first grade, school age, UPK, VPK (Non-Extended). Keep center, child primary class, and capacity.
Step 3.) Split into 2 excel lists based on survey. This is a manual process due to Survey Monkey center names not matching exactly the center names in Microstrategy.
Step 4.) ***New*** Check and verify total center counts to ensure all names are now being picked up accurately. De-duplicate orignal current Microstrategy centers to get a total open center count and compare to de-duplicated survey center counts. If there is a difference (missing centers) then assign the default program for that session. This is to catch new FFE openings.
Step 5.) Any centers that did not "sign-up" for a specific program will default to one selected by WM (to ensure we meet minimum quantity requirements to get price break level). NOTE: Not all non-signups will be defaulted to same program, however all Corporate centers must be defaulted to the SAME program. These selections will be communicated from WM to TLE via board update (sign-ups are only applicable for year 1). For year 2, if a center didn't order in year 1 then choose default.
Step 6.) ***New*** Edit BOTH excel lists (for both programs) to match the upload template for auto orders.
Step 7.) ***New*** Upload each list one at a time to down excel preview of total quantity that would be required as of today's enrollment count / open classrooms.
Step 8.) Duplicate the "Enrichment Session ____ PO" template and add in the total quantity data
Step 9.) Fill in all red fields manually including recommendations (round up to nearest hundred and verify minimum order quantity is met), portal price (after 18%).
Step 10.) Share google sheet (open link to be viewable by anyone) and input into "PROJECTS" Monday board for AJ to review and request meeting with Monica for approval.
Step 11.) Submit PO quantities to China AFTER AJ gets approval from Monica on recommended quantities.