
Backend - Orders / Quote Management

Monday - All other Tasks / To-Do's / Internal Communication

Freshdesk - Emails

Vonage - Phones

Missing Rules:

For any use case not listed in the below rules, please create a Monday task for review:

Task Name: Topic of Missing Rule

Person Assignment: You & AJ


1.) Detailed explanation of the use case missing 

2.) Freshdesk URL link for example (if applicable)

3.) URL link of solution article new info belongs in (if you have access to Freshdesk)

AJ will then...

1.) Update the solution article

2.) Highlight updated rules in yellow

3.) Add update on same task that "update is completed" and will remove AJ from the assignment.

4.) You will read the updated article then mark Monday's task with "Done" status.


"Receptionist" Default - Liz

1st Backup - Daniel

2nd Backup - Chadd

For all backups, they are to have the receptionist camera pulled up from 9am-5pm on their computer throughout the entire day receptionist is off and during the designated lunch break.

Technicians (Konica, Roland, ROQ, Challenge Cutter, Laminator, A/C, etc):

1.) The receptionist greets the technician and asks that person to kindly wait in the reception area while they notify the team.

2.) The receptionist then walks into the warehouse and notifies the Warehouse Manager first.  The warehouse manager will then prepare the team to mask up, then walk in front to walk the technician to the appropriate machine needing service.  If the Warehouse Manager is not present at the time then the receptionist will go to the lead operator of the machine.  If the lead operator is not present (for example maybe during lunchtime) then the last person will be Chadd (Production Manager).

3.) All technicians must be escorted into the back by a manager for security purposes.


1.) The receptionist greets the customer and if they know who it is they look at the "Ready For Pickup" list in the backend and filter by customer name.  If the receptionist does not know the customer then they are to ask for an order number to lookup the order. If they don't have the order number then they can look it up by customer name.

2.) The receptionist views the order on the backend and confirms it is ready for pickup status and looks at artwork so they can locate the job on the pickup shelf.  

3.) The receptionist marks status of the job "Picked-Up" then they ask the customer to kindly wait in the reception area while they bring up their order.

4.) The receptionist goes to the Pick-Up Shelf and takes the order to the customer.  For large orders please use a cart or ask a Warehouse team member for assistance.

New Sales:

1.) Set up a new customer in the Backend with their account information (name, phone, address, etc), then create a quote draft with requirements.

2.) If the client insists on sitting down with a sales representative then please Dial 201 for Daniel's extension and ask if he is available for a walk-in new customer.

3.) If Daniel does not answer or is not available then please book an appointment using Daniel calendly link below:

Vonage (External)

Outgoing Phone Calls / SMS Text

Calling/Texting Customers (Use Backend):

Quotes Follow Up - Add call notes into internal notes.

Orders Follow Up (such as Ready For Pick Up) - Add notes (such as "2/22/21 - Left VM") into the Update "Comments"

Calling Vendors (Use Monday):

1.) Create a new task in if one does not exist already

2.) Add call notes in the "Updates" section

3.) Update status and due date of that Monday task so you can remember to follow up until 100% completed (for example until it's shipped and you have tracking number).

Incoming Phone Calls / SMS Text

Call Notes (Use Monday):

CSR should be picking up calls using a headset device so hands are free.

1.) Create a new Monday task with caller name (usually shown with caller ID)

2.) Assign by default first to themselves.

3.) After assigning a new Monday task, then click into Monday task and use the "Update" area to type in customer's inquiry and all call notes.

4.) After hanging up, then finish and clean up notes, then assign to additional WM team members when needed using the delegation guide below (see Monday Internal section):

Call Forwarding (Use Vonage):

If a client calls and asks to speak to a specific team member tell them you will check to see if that individual is available and put them on hold.  Dial the employee extension and if they pick up say "I have _____ on the line and would like to speak to you" then the employee can say ok and CSR says "Transfering" and clicks the transfer button. An employee waits two seconds and then says "Hello this is _____, how many I help you"

Voicemails (Use Freshdesk):

Voicemails are sent into Freshdesk as tickets and automatically assigned to Kelsey (Default CSR).  Either Kelsey will call the client back and handle or contact the customer back and then create a Monday task for the appropriate employee to handle.

Vonage Team Messaging (Internal)


The team messaging service is now disabled.  Please use updates instead.

Freshdesk (External)

Users Who Have Access:







Sent Email:

1.) The above users are required to use Freshdesk for all outgoing emails by clicking "New" on the top right then click "New Email"

2.) By default, all new emails will make the Freshdesk ticket in "Closed" status unless you change the status before sending.  Therefore you should change the status to "Waiting on Customer" so it will show up in your Freshdesk follow-up list in your name.

Freshdesk (Internal)

Received Email:

Order Entry -  Reply to customer, then input order in "Add New Order" in "Orders" module in backend.

Quote Request - Reply to customer, then add "Add New Quote" in "View Quotes" module in backend.

All Others - Reply to customer, create Monday task using the delegation guide below (see Monday Internal section):

Monday (External)

"TLE Curriculum" Board:

Please note this board is public and shared with TLE HQ employees.  

1.) Do not put any costs information

2.) Do not put any vendor names

3.) Only Chadd & JC are allowed to comment on this board with updates back to TLE (other WM users are added for viewing purposes only)

4.) When Chadd & JC add updates to TLE they are to @ tag mention the "TLE Employee(s)" listed on that specific task.

Monday (Internal)

"Projects" Board Rules:

1.) Do not use @ tag mentions in updates on new tasks, instead just write person's name. This will prevent duplicate notifications on same task since notification is sent when creating new items already.

2.) Use @ tag mentions for escalated matters (after 24 hours with no response from internal team member)

3.) Use @ tag mentions for people to receive notification on tasks they are not assigned to as a "person"

4.) After adding new task AND assignment of "people" you must drag and drop priority (highest on top to lowest on bottom).  You also must review that person's board and ensure the new task created is not a duplicate that someone else created on same topic/issue.

5.) Don't use the "Like" button(s) - This helps reduce unnecessary notifications.

6.) Don't use "Subscribe" feature.


New Sales or Sent Estimate Questions - Daniel

Roland/Konica Rush Order Requests - Caytie

Install Related - Chadd

TLE Portal Product Issue- JC (example inventory stock, unable to checkout)

TLE Order Issue - Move to the "TLE Order Issue" board then mark the personal task done

WM Order Issue - Move to the "WM Order Issue" board then mark the personal task done

Development/Training - You, AJ

Billing/Accounting - David (first check to see if it's a paid invoice or open invoice)

Payroll - David, Warehouse Manager

Monday (Notifications)

Enable Desktop Notifications:

Click "Enable desktop notifications" then after enabled this button turns into a disable button.


Only use the below notification settings on your user account...

Gmail (External)


All external emails must be sent from Freshdesk.  There are no exceptions to this rule.

Gmail (Internal)

Freshdesk Large File Issue:

CSR's (Kelsey & Liz Only) have access to all Gmail accounts to download any attachments that did not go into Freshdesk.


Gmail should be removed from your bookmarks on chrome and mobile device in order to prevent accidental usage.  All email communication is required to be done through Freshdesk software instead.