Open Teacher manual in Acrobat

Ensure page count is divisible by 4

If pages are not divisible by 4:

Select "Organize Pages"

Right click the last page in document (back cover) and select Insert Pages>A blank page.

When dialog box opens select "Before" from dropdown menu and click "OK"

Repeat this step until pages are divisible by 4 and continue with steps below.

If pages are divisible by 4, continue with steps below:

Select "Organize Pages"

Highlight the first, second, second to last, and last pages and delete

Select File>Save as> Name the file MONTH_GRADE_INSIDE ONLY


Open Teacher manual in Acrobat

Ensure page count is divisible by 4

If pages are not divisible by 4:

Select "Organize Pages"

Right click the last page in document (back cover) and select Insert Pages>A blank page.

When dialog box opens select "Before" from dropdown menu and click "OK"

Repeat this step until pages are divisible by 4 and overwrite file (File Save)

Open InDesign and select File>Open


Select File>Document Setup>UNCHECK Facing Pages box.

Select Window>Pages to open Pages Box

Select File>Place, make sure "Show Import Options" box is checked on and navigate to first Interactive Manual, double click.

In the options dialog box it will tell you how many pages are in the document under the thumbnail image.  You will need to remember this.

To the right of the thumbnail in "Pages" area, check the box that says "All" and hit ok.

Before clicking anything, go over to the Pages Box and highlight all pages in the window, right click, duplicate spreads.

Repeat this step until you have half as many spreads as the number of total pages in the manual.

For Example:

If your Teacher Manual has 40 pages, duplicate pages until you have 20 spreads.

Scroll to top spread in Pages Box and double click first page.

Start placing pages 

Your cursor should be an image of first page in document.

Hover over the bounding box located on the RIGHT side of PAGE 1 and click once to place first page.

Hover over the bounding box located on the LEFT side of PAGE 2 and click once to place second page.

Continue this diagonal placing pattern until you have reached the last page in which case you should be placing image on the left.  If you get to last spread and you need to place on the right, something is wrong.  In that case double check spread count and go back through spreads to ensure you haven't skipped a spread.

After you place left page on the last spread, the next page will be placed on that same spread in the right position (this is your centerfold)  Once the right position of last spread is placed, continue placing pages in reverse diagonal pattern working back up the document to spread 1.

Once all pages have been placed, you need to fix gutters on all spreads.

Start on spread 1.  Ensure you have the black arrow tool selected from tool box and click once on the right page on first spread.

Grab the center anchor point of bounding box and slide to the right until it "snaps" to guide.

Repeat this step for all spreads.

Select File>Export>select Adobe PDF (Print)



Open InDesign and select File>Open


Select File>Document Setup>UNCHECK Facing Pages box.

Select File>Place, make sure "Show Import Options" box is checked on and navigate to first Manual, double click.

In the options dialog box to the right of the thumbnail under "Pages" section select range checkbox and type 1-2.

Place pages the same way you did the inside pages.  First page will go on Spread 1 RIGHT.  Second page will go on Spread 2 LEFT.

Select File>Place, make sure "Show Import Options" box is checked on and navigate to same Manual, double click.

In the options dialog box to the right of the thumbnail under "Pages" section select range checkbox and type the second to last and last pages.

For Example if it is a 40 page document you will type 39-40.

Place first page on Spread 2 RIGHT.  Place second page on Spread 1 LEFT.

Select File>Export>select Adobe PDF (Print)