Please review the below reference link and an attached sample file.
*Make sure there are no "ERRORS" when processing the list otherwise address will automatically be removed and missing from the shipment.
Double-check your counts of rows in excel file vs. the number of shipping labels generated/printed.
TLE Required Feilds:
Column A: "Center Director"
Column B: "Charlotte 2" (name of the center, example before @ symbol in email)
Column C: "US"
Column D: Shipping Address
Column G: Shipping City
Column H: Shipping State (two-letter abbreviation)
Column J: Phone Number (to center)
Column N: "2" (use number two for packaging type of "your packaging")
Column P: Weight (enter the weight of the box)
Column Q: Length (of the package, doesn't matter which dimension choose 1 of the 3)
Column R: Width (of the package, doesn't matter which dimension choose 1 of the 3)
Column S: Height (of the package, doesn't matter which dimension choose 1 of the 3)
Column Y: "3" (use the number three for ground service)
Column AG: Reference (create a short name for job so we can pull a tracking report after and filter by this name)
example: TLEQC1119 (TLE Quarterly Calendar Month Year)
1.) Login to website
2.) Click on "Shipping" in the navigation bar then "Batch Shipping" or try link below:
3.) Click "Choose File" and upload CSV file (note the excel template must be saved out in CSV format with extension and can NOT include any headers)
4.) Bill charges to Website Man Productions account 6981W2 unless specified otherwise.
(*Note: TLE if shipping charges are on the invoice then we bill shipping charges on our account)
5.) Click "Next"
6.) Keep checked "Use my laser printer to print labels" and click "Next"
7.) You will then review the results of how many records processed and how many errors. If there is more 1 error or more then scroll down and click "Void All Shipments" button, clean/fix list and try again.
8.) Once you have 0 errors then print the labels
9.) Go to order history and download all the tracking numbers, send to customer.